Elvas, is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in the year 2012 during the 36th session of the ICOMOS Congress. In fact, there is a long way before the classification itself because it was in 2004 that Elvas applies for the title and only in 2006 the dossier starts.
The classification encompasses an Area of 179.3559 hectares, covering the protection area of 690 hectares. The classification covers 7 assets from different eras and different areas: The aqueduct of Amoreira with more than 7 km; The historical center covering about 125 hectares; The Stª Luzia fort and the covered path; The Graça fort and the 3 fortins: São Mamede, São Pedro and São Domingos
And why register Elvas to be part of World Heritage? Elvas is the largest group of fortifications on land. Today, the fortifications are one of the best examples of the 1st Dutch method of fortifications worldwide. On the other hand, the Graça fort is a great example of functional fortified military architecture. One of the great particularities of the city is that it becomes a fortress town and a barracks town during the Modern Age. Finally, the thousand years of military architectural formations endure until today in an undeniable landscape that does not diverge with the urban expansion.